Contact: Parish Office 610-279-4990
The sacristan is an important part of the weekly church service. Without that person the Mass could not happen. The rotating schedule is made up around any personal commitments. If something should come up unexpectedly, dates can be switched between the sacristans to accommodate the need. The duties involve preparing the church for Mass, children’s liturgy needs, baptisms, having enough ushers to take collection, arranging for someone to take the gifts up, and counting the attendance. Anyone interested will be trained and watched over until confident to be on their own.
Funeral Sacristans
Georgeanna Kratz 610-279-4990, [email protected]
Ministers of Consolation prepare all necessary items that are used during the Funeral Mass and assist the priest as needed (greeter, usher, lector, Eucharistic Minister.) After the Mass, the Minister of Consolation ensures that the vessels are purified. Service is based on the number of funerals.