Get Involved!
We have many organizations in St. Titus Parish through which you can practice stewardship and fellowship. There are opportunities to assist with the big job of maintaining the Church and the grounds, to provide help to those less fortunate, to interact with fellow parishioners, to work with and mentor our youth and to participate in fundraising for the parish programs -- many opportunities for our parishioners to be involved and share their talents with our community. We are always looking for volunteers and new members to join in the work and the play to make St. Titus a vibrant parish.
As you review the listings, you will note there are: Parish Groups, Service Groups and Social Groups from which you can select your perfect fit. Please contact the person listed for your choice or call the parish office to get going. Also, if you have an idea for a new group, let us know and we can help with the startup.
A vibrant parish is one in which the members become involved and put their talents to work for the advancement of the parish and in making disciples. Come and let your light shine!